Does something inside you long to know life’s purpose? To make sense of the world around you?
You are Soul, an eternal, creative being. Unlimited. Divine.
Eckankar is an active, individual, creative practice―a companion and road map for your journey home to the heights of Self-Discovery, God-Discovery, and beyond.
Come along and discover the most secret part of yourself. Join us for the events below to discover your life as a spiritual adventure!
ECK Soul Adventure Events
Loving as God Loves
A Secret to Spiritual Living
ECK Light and Sound Service Sunday, January 5 - 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Online via Zoom
Spiritual teachers from an ancient lineage walk among us today—Adepts who have mastered the spiritual laws of life, embodying them in thought, word, and deed. Teachers of the highest order.
These are the ECK Masters.
Chief among them is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. As an inner and outer spiritual teacher, his role is to awaken the God-knowledge already within you.